Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Journey Home

Our next destination...the United States Of America.

Dad and Joshua wait at the Beijing Airport for tickets to ride the big plane home.

Joshua was helping to get baggage checked in at Beijing Airport

Headed to Gate E-20 for our flight home from Beijing.

Dad holding Joshua while he sleeps during our long flight home.
Overall Joshua did really well during the 12-hour flight.
Mom and Dad even got a couple of winks in while Joshua napped.

"Boots On The Ground"

Joshua with his feet on the ground in Chicago. His first steps on American soil (well actually concrete, but it's made in the USA)

We stayed overnight in Chicago so we could get some much needed rest and arrive on Saturday in the afternoon instead of midnight Friday. A good decision as you can see from the smiling faces of Mom, Dad and Joshua as we prepare to leave for the Chicago Airport for the final leg our trip.

ma ma = mother in Chinese
ba ba = father in Chinese

Sleeping boy waiting to board the plane in Chicago bound for Norfolk International Airport.

Mean while in Virginia.... a welcoming party is forming.

and waiting...

and waiting...

and waiting...

...and what!

The flight is delayed.

How much longer until Joshua gets here???

Mom, Dad & Joshua as we arrive at Norfolk International Airport with a crowd of 30-plus greeters from Mei Ming Adoption Support Group, sister Katie, sister-in-Christ and co-worker Laura and dear friend and "Gram" Bonita.
Joshua had on his squeaky shoes and ran to meet the crowd of friends and family there to meet him. He was all smiles and giggles as the kids crowed around him. He seemed in awe and just kept smiling and taking it all in. Mom and Dad were overwhelmed to tears as so many wonderful people came out to support and welcome us home. Thank you all. We could not have made this journey without your prayers, love and support! OH IT IS SOOOO GOOD TO BE HOME! We thank you Heavenly Father for our safe journey and our home. To YOU all the glory!!!

Friend and co-worker Laura and Bonita "Gram" greeting Joshua, Mom & Dad.

Big sister Katie is there to greet Joshua.

Katie gave us a ride home and Joshua his first ride in a car seat.

Thanks Katie!!

Bonita "Gram" presents Joshua with his Welcome Home ballons. One ballon said "Welcome Home Joshua" the other red star ballon said "Spicy Boy." Spicy boy is the name given to Joshua by the guide, Michael while in China. It represents his "little temper" and is a trait children from Fuling are famous for.

Ms. Laura presents Joshua with lamb's ear plant.
Mom and Joshua will have to have a planting day soon!

Hope introduces herself to Joshua. He is smiling and reaching out to shake her hand.

"Okay Joshua, we'll get up with you later for a game!"
"That sounds great guys"

IT's GREAT to be home!!

(Special thanks to Sandi for taking these wonderful pictures of our homecoming so we were able to share them with all of you. Thanks Sandi!!)

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